America's Army: Overmatch is our biggest release ever!
America's Army has reached a significant milestone: our 4th Anniversary! This is a remarkable achievement in an era where videogames and movies are considered successful if they remain #1 for more than two weeks in a row. Despite heavy competition over the past four years, America's Army consistently remains in the top five most active online games according to Gamespy. Now we're preparing to launch America's Army: Overmatch, possibly our biggest - and most ambitious - version yet!
When Overmatch is released later this summer (we're in late beta now), it will debut several new features we believe will absolutely impact how this game is played, while also speaking to the future of America's Army is moving as we prepare to begin development of America's Army 3 on the UnrealEngine 3 platform.
Co-Op Gameplay vs. a new AI Enemy
To date, America's Army has been singularly focused upon objective-based, multiplayer gameplay in missions set against a balanced human enemy. With Overmatch, we'll debut two new missions that will pit Rangers and Special Forces against an overwhelming force of Enemy AI Soldiers and Vehicles. Rather than presenting players with the one-to-one odds, as is customary in our current missions, these two new levels represent asymmetric conflict; wherein the enemy outnumbers the U.S. forces by upwards of three-, four- and even five-to-one! The new AI enemy represents a more organized military force than the insurgency/terrorist antagonists of our multiplayer missions.
Here's a quick description of this AI and how it differs from the kind of AI you'll see in other games:
* 4 AI Soldier classes: Infantry, Sergeants (NCOs), Officers and Commandos - each can be distinguished by their voices, headgear and weaponry.
* 3 AI Vehicles: T-62 Tank, BMP-1 Infanry Fighting Vehicle and BTR-80 Armored Personnel Carrier - each with different movement, armor and weaponry.
* 9 Mental States: Each AI possesses a morale level ranging from Brave to Normal to Concerned to Suppressed to Panicked.
* 9 Types of Orders: AI are assigned to follow specific Primary Orders (Patrol, Guard, Ambush) and will shift to Secondary Orders when engaged (Hunt, Defend, Harass).
* 150 new Opfor-ese phrases: AI will use contextual speech based on their mental state and the interrupts that compel their reactions; players will be able to recognize whether an AI is panicked versus attacking, for example.
* 12 different Interrupts: AI will react to a variety of specific combat events (such as: see grenade, bullet whip, take injury).
* 25 Combat Actions: AI will be individually directed to perform a wide variety of specific actions (such as: Cower, Suppress, Fire Blind, Advance).
* AI is subject to CEM: it is vital our AI be subject to the same battlefield conditions are human players, so CEM will impact AI's accuracy too!
We recognized the need for an AI that is unpredictable and gameplay that warrants replay. Therefore we could not employ the usual trappings of magically spawning enemies, triggered sequences or scripted events. All of our AI is dynamic and emergent and will react to players based on situation and circumstance. The first time you see a Commando sneaking up on a unwitting player you'll be convinced this is something different.
Just a few examples of the various things you can expect: AI can spawn in random locations, can be suppressed, will react to overwhelming fire, will react aggressively to grenades, can engage with a variety of weapons (AK-47, AK74su, VSS, Smoke/frag grenades, RPG and RPK) against U.S. vehicles/soldiers, set random ambushes, call for mortar support and request reinforcements via BTR-80.
So get ready for 9-player Cooperative missions against a tough, entrenched and variable AI enemy. Fortunately, we’re giving players a few new tools to apply in these missions.
Постараюсь сделать мини-перевод--->
Короче первый абзац обычная болтовня про то, что АА держится в рейтинге самый популярных онлайн игр по версии ГеймСпай, и что начинается подготовка к выпуску АА на двигле Unreal 3(не знаю чем они думают...но у меня игру комп не потянет).
А дальше собственно сами новости--->
Будет введен новый режим игры, а именно-кооперативный матч игроков, против искуственного интеллекта. Ботов крошить т.е.
Основные особенности введенного AI^
*4 класса солдат AI-пехота, Сержанты, Офицеры и Коммандос-каждый отличается(distinguished?)(или может быть опознан) по их голосу, форме и оружию
*3 AI средства передвижения- Танк Т-62, БМП-1, и БТР-80-каждое с разной броней, вооружением и движением.
*9 состояний AI-У каждого AI солдата есть свой уровень морали, например храбрый, нормальный, сосредоточенный, подавленный, в панике.
*9 типов приказов
*150 новых фраз OpFor
*12 разных хз чего-AI будет по разному реагировать на происходящие события в бою(если заметит гранату, получит ранение и т.д.)
*25 боевых действий-прикрытие, огонь на подавление, атаковать и т.д.
*и какая-то балда про точность стрельбы АИ...наверное что-то с отдачей связанное.
АИ будет появляться в различных местах на карте, может быть подавлен, будет аггрессивно реагироватьь на гранаты, на открытый огонь, будет атаковать из различных видов оружия(AK-47, AK74su, VSS, дымовые и осколочные грены, РПГ и РПК), устраивать случайные засады, вызывать огонь минометов и подкрепления в виде БТР-80. АИ полностью не заскриптован и действует по сложившийся ситуации. Против АИ можно будет играть вдевятером.